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Mystery Dungeon - Fundorte und Entwicklungen
Beitrag: #1
vom - Mystery Dungeon - Fundorte und Entwicklungen
Hab grad was Schönes gefunden und wollt's euch nicht vorenthalten! ^^ Sehr nützlich für die, die alle Pokés haben wollen.

Ist zwar auf Englisch, aber ich denke mal, dass die Meisten wohl damit klarkommen werden. Bei Interesse kann ich noch mal eine Liste der englischen/deutschen Namen der Dungeons anhängen, damit ihr wisst, welche Dungeons gemeint sind.

Die Fundorte der Pokémon:

001 - Bulbasaur - Joyous Tower, Floors 1-5
002 - Ivysaur - Western Cave, Floors 19-27
004 - Charmander - Fiery Field, Floors 5-8
005 - Charmeleon - Fiery Field, Floors 26-29
007 - Squirtle - Waterfall Pond, Floors 8-12
008 - Wartortle - Northwind Field, Floors 27-29
009 - Blastoise - Western Cave, Floors 89-98
010 - Caterpie - Wish Cave, Floors 2-4
011 - Metapod - Joyous Tower, Floors 7-8
014 - Kakuna - Joyous Tower, Floors 9-13
016 - Pidgey - Howling Forest, Floors 9-13
017 - Pidgeotto - Mt. Thunder, Floors 2-5
023 - Ekans - Western Cave, Floors 3-5
025 - Pikachu - Lightning Field, Floors 6-10
029 - Nidoran(F) - Thunderwave Cave, Floors 1-3
035 - Clefairy - Joyous Tower, Floors 9-14
037 - Vulpix - Fiery Field, Floors 1-4
044 - Gloom - Silent Chasm, Floors 1-9
046 - Paras - Silent Chasm, Floors 7-9
052 - Meowth - Western Cave, Floors 3-6
054 - Psyduck - Joyous Tower, Floors 9-12
056 - Mankey - Uproar Forest, Floors 8-9
069 - Bellsprout - Wish Cave, Floors 1-3
077 - Ponyta - Joyous Tower, Floors 57-59
102 - Exeggcute - Howling Forest, Floor 14
104 - Cubone - Southern Cavern, Floors 5-10
108 - Lickitung - Western Cave, Floors 37-44
113 - Chansey - Joyous Tower, Floors 50, 60, 77
115 - Kangaskhan - Western Cave, Floors 13-19
118 - Goldeen - Waterfall Pond, Floors 1-5
129 - Magikarp - Waterfall Pond, Floors 7-11
131 - Lapras - Far-Off Sea, Floors 45-50
133 - Eevee - Joyous Tower, Floors 12-17
137 - Porygon - Buried Relic, Floors 5-10
143 - Snorlax - Howling Forest, Floors 11-14
144 - Articuno - Frosty Grotto, Floor 5
145 - Zapdos - Mt. Thunder Peak, Floor 3
146 - Moltres - Mt. Blaze Peak, Floor 3
148 - Dragonair - Wyvern Hill, Floors 12-20
150 - Mewtwo - Western Cave, Floor 99
151 - Mew - Buried Relic, Floors 36-98

152 - Chikorita - Joyous Tower, Floors 8-11
153 - Bayleef - Western Cave, Floors 20-27
155 - Cyndaquil - Joyous Tower, Floors 13-17
156 - Quilava - Fiery Field, Floors 15-24
161 - Sentret - Sinister Woods, Floors 3-6
170 - Chinchou - Silver Trench, Floors 70-79
172 - Pichu - Joyous Tower, Floors 3-6
173 - Cleffa - Wish Cave, Floors 1-4
175 - Togepi - Wish Cave, Floors 5-10
179 - Mareep - Lightning Field, Floors 1-5
180 - Flaaffy - Lightning Field, Floors 7-13
183 - Marill - Wish Cave, Floors 4-6
185 - Sudowoodo - Sinister Woods, Floors 1-4
187 - Hoppip - Pitfall Valley, Floors 4-8
190 - Aipom - Uproar Forest, Floors 1-6
191 - Sunkern - Wish Cave, Floors 1-3
203 - Girafarig - Solar Cave, Floors 1-4
209 - Snubbull - Western Cave, Floors 1-3
215 - Sneasel - Buried Relic, Floors 1-4
223 - Remoraid - Silver Trench, Floors 50-59
225 - Delibird - Northwind Field, Floors 17-25
226 - Mantine - Grand Sea, Floor 30
236 - Tyrogued - Mt. Steel, Floors 5-8
238 - Smoochum - Joyous Tower, Floors 21-25
241 - Miltank - Western Cave, Floors 10, 20, 30, 40, 50-53, 60-98
243 - Raikou - Lightning Field, Floor 30
244 - Entei - Fiery Field, Floor 30
245 - Suicune - Northwind Field, Floor 30
246 - Larvitar - Southern Cavern, Floors 16-26
249 - Lugia - Silver Trench, Floor 99
250 - Ho-oh - Mt. Faraway, Floor 40
251 - Celebi - Purity Forest, Floor 99

252 - Treecko - Joyous Tower, Floors 1-4
253 - Grovyle - Western Cave, Floors 38-49
255 - Torchic - Joyous Tower, Floors 11-15
256 - Combusken - Fiery Field, Floors 22-29
258 - Mudkip - Waterfall Pond, Floors 1-3
260 - Swampert - Western Cave, Floors 79-88
263 - Zigzagoon - Mt. Steel, Floors 1-5
265 - Wurmple - Joyous Tower, Floors 1-2
266 - Silcoon - Sinister Woods, Floors 4-6
270 - Lotad - Waterfall Pond, Floors 1-3
271 - Lombre - Waterfall Pond, Floors 13-16
274 - Nuzleaf - Uproar Forest, Floors 5-9
276 - Taillow - Joyous Tower, Floors 2-4
280 - Ralts - Wish Cave, Floors 11-13
281 - Kirlia - Solar Cave, Floors 10-15
283 - Surskit - Waterfall Pond, Floors 4-7
294 - Loudred - Howling Forest, Floors 9-14
296 - Makuhita - Buried Relic, Floors 30-34
300 - Skitty - Joyous Tower, Floors 24-28
302 - Sableye - Darknight Relic, Floors 1-15
313 - Volbeat - Northwind Field, Floors 1-6
315 - Roselia - Uproar Forest, Floors 4-7
316 - Gulpin - Buried Relic, Floors 14, 16-19
327 - Spinda - Joyous Tower, Floors 5-7
339 - Barboach - Waterfall Pond, Floors 1-5
341 - Corphish - Waterfall Pond, Floors 6-12
345 - Lileep - Silver Trench, Floors 80-89
346 - Cradily - Silver Trench, Floors 90-98
349 - Feebas - Waterfall Pond, Floors 16-19
351 - Castform - Mt. Faraway, Floors 20-29
369 - Relicanth - Silver Trench, Floors 80-89
377 - Regirock - Buried Relic, Floor 15
378 - Regice - Buried Relic, Floor 25
379 - Registeel - Buried Relic, Floor 35
380 - Latias - Pitfall Valley, Floor 25
381 - Latios - Northern Range, Floor 25
382 - Kyogre - Stormy Sea, Floor 40
383 - Groudon - Magma Cavern Pit, Floor 3
384 - Rayquaza - Sky Tower Summit, Floor 9
385 - Jirachi - Wish Cave, Floor 99
386 - Deoxys - Meteor Cave, Floor 20

Die Entwicklungen der Pokémon:

003 - Venusaur - Evolves from Ivysaur at lvl 32
006 - Charizard - Evolves from Charmeleon at lvl 36
012 - Butterfree - Evolves from Metapod at lvl 10
015 - Beedrill - Evolves from Kakuna at lvl 10
018 - Pidgeot - Evolves from Pidgeotto at lvl 36
020 - Raticate - Evolves from Rattata at lvl 20
022 - Fearow - Evolves from Spearow at lvl 20
024 - Arbok - Evolves from Ekans at lvl 22
026 - Raichu - Evolves from Pikachu using Thunderstone
028 - Sandslash - Evolves from Sandshwer at lvl 22
031 - Nidoqueen - Evolves from Nidorina using Moonstone
034 - Nidoking - Evolves from Nidorino using Moonstone
036 - Clefable - Evolves from Clefairy using Moonstone
038 - Ninetales - Evolves from Vulpix using Firestone
040 - Wigglytuff - Evolves from Jigglypuff using Moonstone
045 - Vileplume - Evolves from Gloom using Leafstone
047 - Parasect - Evolves from Paras at lvl 24
049 - Venomoth - Evolves from Venonat at lvl 31
051 - Dugtrio - Evolves from Diglett at lvl 26
053 - Persian - Evolves from Meowth at lvl 28
055 - Golduck - Evolves from Psyduck at lvl 33
057 - Primeape - Evolves from Mankey at lvl 28
059 - Arcanine - Evolves from Growlithe using Firestone
062 - Poliwrath - Evolves from Poliwhirl using Waterstone
065 - Alakazam - Evolves from Kadabra using Link Cable
068 - Machamp - Evolves from Machoke using Link Cable
070 - Weepinbell - Evolves from Bellsprout at lvl 21
071 - Victreebell - Evolves from Weepinbell using Leafstone
078 - Rapidash - Evolves from Ponyta at lvl 40
080 - Slowbro - Evolves from Slowpoke at lvl 37
082 - Magneton - Evolves from Magnemite at lvl 30
085 - Dodrio - Evolves from Doduo at lvl 31
087 - Dewgong - Evolves from Seel at lvl 34
089 - Muk - Evolves from Grimer at lvl 38
091 - Cloyster - Evolves from Shellder using Waterstone
094 - Gengar - Evolves from Haunter using Link Cable
097 - Hypno - Evolves from Drowzee at lvl 26
099 - Kingler - Evolves from Krabby at lvl 28
101 - Electrode - Evolves from Voltorb at lvl 30
103 - Exeggutor - Evolves from Exeggcute using Leafstone
105 - Marowak - Evolves from Cubone at lvl 28
106 - Hitmonlee - Evolves from Tyrogue at lvl 20 when Attack > Defense
107 - Hitmonchan - Evolves from Tyrogue at lvl 20 when Attack < Defense
110 - Weezing - Evolves from Koffing at lvl 35
112 - Rhydon - Evolves from Rhyhorn at lvl 42
119 - Seaking - Evolves from Goldeen at lvl 33
121 - Starmie - Evolves from Staryu using Waterstone
124 - Jynx - Evolves from Smoochum at lvl 30
125 - Electabuzz - Evolves from Elekid at lvl 30
126 - Magmar - Evolves from Magby at lvl 30
130 - Gyarados - Evolves from Magikarp at lvl 20
134 - Vaporeon - Evolves from Eevee using Waterstone
135 - Jolteon - Evolves from Eevee using Thunderstone
136 - Flareon - Evolves from Eevee using Firestone
139 - Omastar - Evolves from Omanyte at lvl 40
141 - Kabutops - Evolves from Kabuto at lvl 40
149 - Dragonite - Evolves from Dragonair at lvl 55

154 - Meganium - Evolves from Bayleef at lvl 32
157 - Typhlosion - Evolves from Quilava at lvl 36
160 - Feraligatr - Evolves from Croconaw at lvl 30
162 - Furret - Evolves from Sentret at lvl 15
164 - Noctowl - Evolves from Hoothoot at lvl 20
166 - Ledian - Evolves from Ledyba at lvl 18
168 - Ariados - Evolves from Spinarak at lvl 22
169 - Crobat - Evolves from Golbat at 5 Stars of IQ
170 - Lanturn - Evolves from Chinchou at lvl 27
176 - Togetic - Evolves from Togepi at 5 Stars of IQ
178 - Xatu - Evolves from Natu at lvl 25
181 - Ampharos - Evolves from Flaaffy at lvl 30
182 - Bellossom - Evolves from Gloom using the Sunstone
184 - Azumarill - Evolves from Marill at lvl 18
186 - Politoed - Evolves from Poliwhirl using the King's Rock and Link Cable
189 - Jumpluff - Evolves from Skiploom at lvl 27
192 - Sunflora - Evolves from Sunkern using the Sunstone
195 - Quagsire - Evolves from Wooper at lvl 20
196 - Espeon - Evolves from Eevee at 4 Stars of IQ and using the Sun Ribbon
197 - Umbreon - Evolves from Eevee at 4 Stars of IQ and using the Lunar Ribbon
198 - Slowking - Evolves from Slowpoke using the King's Rock and Link Cable
202 - Wobbuffet - Evolves from Wynaut at lvl 15
205 - Forretress - Evolves from Pineco at lvl 31
208 - Steelix - Evolves from Onix using the Metal Coat and Link Cable
210 - Granbull - Evolves from Snubbull at lvl 23
212 - Scizor - Evolves from Scyther using the Metal Coat and Link Cable
217 - Ursaring - Evolves from Teddiursa at lvl 30
219 - Magcargo - Evolves from Slugma at lvl 38
221 - Piloswine - Evolves from Swinub at lvl 33
229 - Houndoom - Evolves from Houndour at lvl 24
230 - Kingdra - Evolves from Seadra using the Dragon Scale and Link Cable
232 - Donphan - Evolves from Phanpy at lvl 25
237 - Hitmontop - Evolves from Tygorue at lvl 20 when Attack = Defense
242 - Blissey - Evolves from Chansey at 5 Stars of IQ
248 - Tyranitar - Evolves from Pupitar at lvl 55

254 - Sceptile - Evolves from Grovyle at lvl 36
257 - Blaziken - Evolves from Combusken at lvl 36
262 - Mightyena - Evolves from Poochyena at lvl 18
264 - Linoone - Evolves from Zigzagoon at lvl 20
267 - Beautifly - Evolves from Silcoon at lvl 10
269 - Dustox - Evolves from Cascoon at lvl 10
272 - Ludicolo - Evolves from Lombre using Waterstone
277 - Swellow - Evolves from Taillow at lvl 22
279 - Pelipper - Evolves from Wingull at lvl 25
282 - Gardevoir - Evolves from Kirlia at lvl 30
284 - Masquerain - Evolves from Surskit at lvl 22
286 - Breloom - Evolves from Shroomish at lvl 23
289 - Slaking - Evolves from Vigoroth at lvl 36
291 - Ninjask - Evolves from Nincada at lvl 20
292 - Shedinja - Created when Nincada evolves to Ninjask
295 - Exploud - Evolves from Loudred at lvl 40
297 - Hariyama - Evolves from Makuhita at lvl 24
301 - Delcatty - Evolves from Skitty using Moonstone
306 - Aggron - Evolves from Lairon at lvl 42
308 - Medicham - Evolves from Meditite at lvl 37
310 - Manectric - Evolves from Electrike at lvl 26
317 - Swalot - Evolves from Gulpin at lvl 26
319 - Sharpedo - Evolves from Carvanha at lvl 30
321 - Wailord - Evolves from Wailmer at lvl 40
323 - Camerupt - Evolves from Numel at lvl 33
326 - Grumpig - Evolves from Spoink at lvl 32
330 - Flygon - Evolves from Vibrava at lvl 45
332 - Cacturne - Evolves from Cacnea at lvl 32
334 - Altaria - Evolves from Swablu at lvl 35
340 - Whiscash - Evolves from Barboach at lvl 30
342 - Crawdaunt - Evolves from Corphish at lvl 30
344 - Claydol - Evolves from Baltoy at lvl 36
348 - Armaldo - Evolves from Anorith at lvl 40
350 - Milotic - Evolves from Feebas using Beauty Scarf
354 - Banette - Evolves from Shuppet at lvl 37
356 - Dusclops - Evolves from Duskull at lvl 37
362 - Glalie - Evolves from Snorunt at lvl 42
365 - Walrein - Evolves from Sealeo at lvl 44
367 - Huntail - Evolves from Clamperl using Deepseatooth and Link Cable
368 - Gorebyss - Evolves from Clamperl using Deepseascale and Link Cable
373 - Salamence - Evolves from Shelgon at lvl 50
376 - Metagross - Evolves from Metang at lvl 45


Edit: Hab grad noch die Größen der Legendaries gefunden. Das find ich auch recht praktisch zu wissen, damit man genug Platz im Team einplanen kann, wenn sie sich einem anschließen sollen.

Größe der Legendaries:

Latias (?), Mewtu (?), Jirachi (?), Mew (?), Celebi (?), Raikou: *
Entei (?) und Suicune (?), Latios (?): **
Arktos, Zapdos und Lavados, Lugia (?), Kyogre (?), Groudon (?) und Rayquaza (?), Ho-oh (?): ****

Die Pokés, hinter denen Fragezeichen stehen, da bin ich mir mit der Größe nicht sicher Oo. Die Quelle war z.B. bei Raikou falsch (hat ** gesagt, Raikou hat aber nur *), insofern hab ich alle als fraglich gekennzeichnet, bei denen ich es nicht genau weiß. Falls jemand da konkretere Angaben zu hat, bitte posten, dann kann ich's editieren!
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.12.2006, 11:31 von Siria. )
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Beitrag: #2
vom - RE: Mystery Dungeon - Fundorte und Entwicklungen
Hier hab ich noch eine Verbesserung der Grössen der Legendären^^.
Vielleicht mache ich mir später auch die Mühe, die obere Liste auf Deutscz zu übersetzen.

Arktos: ****
Zaptos: ****
Lavados: ****
Entei: *
Suicune: *
Raikou: *
Regirock, Registeel, Regice: (?) (Weiss noch nicht)
Mewtu: *
Mew: *
Celebi: (?)
Jirachi: (?)
Deoxys: (?)
Latios: **
Latias: *
Ho-oh: ****
Lugia: ****

Dies ist eine leere Sig. Ursache? Im Kreativitätsland ist gerade Dürre x:
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Beitrag: #3
vom - RE: Mystery Dungeon - Fundorte und Entwicklungen
Hääääääää, vier Sterne bedeutet das
dass zB die Legendären Vögel ein ganzes Team bilden
dann können sie sich einem dich gar nicht anschließen
oder fahr ich da auf nem falschen Dampfer??????
Klärt mich auf

[Bild: timi.jpg]

Beitrag: #4
vom - RE: Mystery Dungeon - Fundorte und Entwicklungen
Nee, keine Panik! Wink Dein Team kann maximal 4 Pokés mit einer Gesamtgröße von sechs * umfassen. Also kannst du einen legendären Vogel sowie noch zwei weitere kleine Pokés dabei haben! ^^

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Beitrag: #5
vom - RE: Mystery Dungeon - Fundorte und Entwicklungen
Achso, mit sechs Sternen wird das gezählt
nur ergibt ein Legendärer Vogel (4) + zwei kleine (2) = 6
gilt also der Spieler (in den meisten fällen der Anführer)
gar nicht mit in dieser Zählung

[Bild: timi.jpg]

Beitrag: #6
vom - RE: Mystery Dungeon - Fundorte und Entwicklungen
Öhm, doch, dein Anführer zählt auch mit, mein "mitnehmen" bezog sich auf dich persönlich und nicht auf dein Anführer-Poké! ^^ Hab ihn nicht extra namentlich als Anführer erwähnt, weil man's sich ja später im Spiel aussuchen kann, wen man als Anführer nimmt.
Wenn dein Anführer also einer der Vögel ist, passen noch dazu zwei weitere kleine Pokés ins Team - wenn dein Anführer ein *-Poké ist, dann passen noch Pokés in der Größe von fünf weiteren Sternen hinein, also eben z.B. ein Vogel und noch ein kleineres.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.01.2007, 19:31 von Siria. )
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