Umfrage: Sind meine Haves and Wants nennenwert oder "gut"?
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Du wirst viel erreichen.
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kauf mehr Booster/Karten dann sind sie gut
1 7.69%
es geht...
1 7.69%
du wirst nie weit kommen!
0 0%
Kann man höchtens als Toilettenpapier verwenden
3 23.08%
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Metagross's Haves and Wants
Beitrag: #27
vom - RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants
Metagross schrieb:Haves:

3 x Brutalanda ex (pk)
1 x Metagross ex (pk)
1 x Panzaeron ex (pk)
1 x Latias ex (df) (im Deck (so gut wie nicht zu haben))
1 x Latios ex (df) (im Deck (so gut wie nicht zu haben))
1 x Brutalanda ex (df)
1 x Dragoran ex (df)
1 x Altaria ex (df)
1 x Guardevoir ex (df)
1 x Lohgock ex (cg)
3 x Shiftry ex (cg)
2 x Kreputak ex (hp)
5 x Magnayen ex (hp) (im Deck!!!)
2 x Mew ex (hp) (1 im Deck!!!)
2 x Arkanie ex (lm)
1 x Aquana ex (ds)
1 x Blitza ex (ds)
1 x Celebi ex (uf)
1 x Impergator ex (vm)
3 x Ho-oH ex (1 x uf 2 x tin)
1 x Nachtara ex (vm)
1 x Zwirrklop ex (Sm)
1 x Deoxys ex (Sm)
1 x Altaria ex (sm)
1 x Milotic ex (sm)
1 x Latios ex (Dr) (jap.)
1 x Ampharos ex (Dr)
1 x Magcargo ex (Dr)
1 x Sniebel ex (R/S)
1 x Elektek ex (R/S)
1 x Chaneira ex (R/S)
1 x Celebi ex (tin)

1 x Glurak* (df)

aus pk:
1 x Kaputops
1 x Enekoro
2 x Guardevoir
1 x Magneton
2 x Sengo
1 x Wielie

aus df:
3 x Ampharos
2 x Milotic
2 x Impergator
2 x Pinsir
1 x Morlord
1 x Vulnona
6 x Nidoqueen
1 x Nidoking
1 x Relaxo
1 x Meganie
3 x Jugong
1 x Arbok
1 x Ledian

aus cg:
1 x Tauros
1 x Digdri
1 x Banette
1 x Turtok
2 x Camerupt
4 x Schluckwech
2 x Sumpex
2 x Reptain
1 x Ibitak
2 x Sumpex
3 x Kingler

aus hp:
1 x Armaldo
1 x Wielie
1 x Seedraking
1 x Garados
1 x deoxys (dark)
1 x deoxys (normal)

aus lm:
2 x Wielie
3 x Gengar
2 x Enekoro
2 x Tengulist
1 x Kaputops
2 x Lanturn
2 x Lunastein
2 x Amoroso
2 x Magmar
2 x Qurtel
1 x Magneton
2 x Sagnabyss
1 x Aalabyss
1 x Geowaz
1 x Sleimok
2 x Sonnfel

aus ds:
1 x Dragoran
1 x Magnayen
1 x Bibor
1 x Iksbat
1 x Starmie
2 x Psiana
3 x Brutalanda
2 x Porygon 2
2 x Smogmog
2 x Hypno
1 x Metagross

aus vm:
2 x Ariados
1 x Hudemon
2 x Ho-oH
1 x Ampharos
1 x Meganie
3 x Sonnflora
1 x Blubella
1 x Laschoking
2 x Mogelbaum
2 x Kapoera
2 x Nockjan
2 x Kicklee
2 x Rabauz
1 x Icognito H
1 x Icognito P
1 x Icognito C
1 x Icognito N
2 x Icognito T
1 x Icognito O
2 x Icognito W
2 x Icognito B
1 x Icognito ?

aus em:
1 x Deoxys
1 x Milotic
1 x Sumpex

aus dx:
1 x Zwirrklop
1 x Lepumentas
1 x Kappalores (Umkreisende Tanzschritte)
3 x Kappalores (Wasserhieb)
1 x Deoxys (Nor.)
2 x Deoxys (Ang.)
1 x Deoxys (Ver.)
1 x Camerupt
1 x Ninjatom
1 x Ninjask
1 x Pelipper
1 x Schwallboss
1 x Magnayen

aus den Editionen die man nicht mehr spielen darf habe ich natürlich auch noch welche.

1 x Latias ex (df) (dringend)
2 x Lohgock (pk) (R/S geht auch) (sehr dringend)
3 x Impoleon (d/p) (net dringend)
2 x Shiftry (d/p) (net dringend)

Suche neues


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 04.06.2007, 19:02
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von ZiuTyr - 05.06.2007, 16:44
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Em0_C0rE - 06.06.2007, 08:34
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 06.06.2007, 11:39
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Em0_C0rE - 06.06.2007, 13:16
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von ZiuTyr - 06.06.2007, 13:50
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 08.06.2007, 13:27
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 11.06.2007, 11:17
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 11.06.2007, 13:25
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 11.06.2007, 14:50
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von ZiuTyr - 11.06.2007, 17:47
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 11.06.2007, 19:00
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Em0_C0rE - 13.06.2007, 17:14
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 17.06.2007, 11:25
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 28.06.2007, 16:16
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Magnayen$ - 07.07.2007, 08:19
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 16.07.2007, 00:04
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Em0_C0rE - 16.07.2007, 12:58
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Magnayen$ - 16.07.2007, 14:52
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 16.07.2007, 14:56
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Magnayen$ - 16.07.2007, 19:25
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 31.07.2007, 08:45
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 25.08.2007, 14:16
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Draco666 - 27.08.2007, 10:18
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Palkio - 28.08.2007, 13:09
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 30.08.2007, 07:31
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von justin... - 28.09.2007, 09:54
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 02.11.2007, 18:39
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 02.11.2007, 18:42
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 02.11.2007, 18:47
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 02.11.2007, 18:52
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 01.12.2007, 09:53
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von glurak95 - 10.02.2008, 20:04
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Draco666 - 13.02.2008, 14:46
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 19.03.2008, 17:43
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Palkio - 19.03.2008, 19:37
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 20.03.2008, 11:37
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Yoshi - 20.03.2008, 12:30
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 22.03.2008, 09:24
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 19.04.2008, 20:09
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von LugiaLVX - 19.04.2008, 20:18
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 22.04.2008, 15:56
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 27.04.2008, 05:58
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 28.04.2008, 15:07
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 28.04.2008, 18:07
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 29.04.2008, 13:27
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 30.04.2008, 20:14
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Feebas - 01.05.2008, 12:44
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 01.05.2008, 13:04
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Feebas - 01.05.2008, 13:39
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Metagross - 01.05.2008, 15:47
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Feebas - 01.05.2008, 18:40
RE: Metagross's Haves and Wants - von Palkio - 11.05.2008, 09:18

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