(07.05.2009, 13:22)Glumanda123 schrieb: Die nächste Reihe nach PLatinum ist nicht mal in Englich erschienen(glaube ich nur).
Wenn bei "Pokebeach" die scan haben dann wird auch bald in carddex.
bei Pokebeach will der macher des noch nich reingeben weil sonst die moeglichkeit besteht das er den JUDGE job nich bekommt
vom macher:
Normally I would say we will post scans of the set within the next few days, but I have to rethink that now. Lately, I've been wanting to become a judge since I find helping out at events more enjoyable than playing. But if I want to become a good judge one day, POP isn't going to like it if I keep posting scans early (which they have made clear through e-mail), even if they are obtained legally. So what do I do? Do I put the website's visitors first, or do I put my own personal goals first? I'm really not sure! If this were a few sets ago, the scans would be going up within the next few days, but I don't know now. I already have a couple Rising Rivals scans and will be getting more tomorrow, but posting them could mean I'm not going to have any chance of getting anywhere with judging.